Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tuesday Nov. 9th

The basement walls are drywalled and being "mudded" which I learned takes 4 days to dry. It's only been about two weeks but it feels more like two months. I am ready for the basement to be done so I can clean the drywall dust off everything, put things away and resume a normal life. Today the painter called and said I need to pick out paint colors by TONIGHT. I've narrowed the colors down to a few but now I really need to decide, as he's buying the paint tomorrow morning. Eek.
I did buy a bedding set for the basement bedroom. I'm thinking of having the bedroom walls painted in a light gold color. Now I need to decide what color to paint the bathroom. So many things to do, and not enough time to do them. The house is a mess, the laundry needs to be folded and put away, and toys are scattered everywhere. I just need one full day without husband, kids and contractors to clean. When will that day come?

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