Saturday, November 13, 2010

Pizza and a Limosine

Kylie's school has a lot a fundraisers. Just this year (she's been in school a little over two months) they've sold coupon books, magazines, gift wrap, jewelry, t-shirts and pies to name a few. One of the incentives for the entertainment (coupon) books was that whoever sold at least 10 books received lunch and a ride in a limosine for their entire family.

Kylie (well, actually Steve) sold 11 books so we got lunch at Snappy Tomato pizza, where both girls got to go back in the kitchen and make their own pizzas. After lunch we received a 20-minute ride in a large white Hummer limosine. We had to share the limo with 2 other families but still had plenty of room. It was my first time in a limo, also Kylie's and Sophie's. After a few minutes riding in the limo Kylie said, "I thought it would be more exciting than this. It's like riding on the school bus!"

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Oh I would find having that many fundraisers to be annoying! I've never been in a limo. Sounded like a fun treat!