These photos pretty much sum up my life right now. I like order. I like things clean and I like things neat. I don't handle chaos well. Every night I return home from work with a new layer of lumber and tile dust covering every piece of furniture in every room. I return to pieces of drywall on my nice area rug, dead leave trekked in by the workers.
Monday was a particularly hard day at work. And Kylie had piano lessons at 6 pm. I had planned to make spaghetti when I got home - quick and easy. As I pulled into our driveway I could hear the sound of a jackhammer. The plumber's crew was tearing up the concrete for the shower. This did nothing to help the headache that had been brewing inside me all day. I turned on the faucet to fill the pan with water. Plumber had turned it off. We ended up eating Subway on the way to piano.
I am so ready for this remodel to be DONE.
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