The basement is still a work in progress. Thank God the drywallers are finished. Everything is coated in drywall dust, even items that they put plastic tarps on top of. Now the project is laying the floor tile, which is being done by Butch and Zog. Butch's real name is Butch, we're not sure about Zog. Zog seems nice enough, but Butch kinda creeps all of us out, even Steve. While they are good at laying tile, I am counting the days until they are done. We think they should be done with the tile and laminate by the end of next week. That can't come soon enough for me.
These are the bedroom double closets, with their doors that still need to be installed. It will be a rather large walk-in closet.

This is one of the bronze pieces that are put in throughout the larger tile squares.

The floor just off the bar/kitchen. It hasn't been grouted yet.
much better pics than those a few days earlier. the basement looks better with tile than the jackhammered mess from earlier. can't wait to see it all done!
dinner out and a limo ride? you _do_ have princesses! with chariot rides and private chefs! i, on the other hand, have a grunt-soldier in combat boots, shaved head and a peculiar odor....
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