Thursday, October 14, 2010

This week.....

....has been busy. Monday night we had piano and then a PTO meeting at Kylie's school. I was surprised that there were only about 10 people who came to the meeting. I brought (dragged) Steve to the meeting. I signed the volunteer sheet to help unload the truck for their Market Day. Market Day is when you buy food in bulk and the school receives a portion of the $. I plan on doing more volunteering especially after seeing only 10 people at the meeting.

Wednesday Kylie had to read an entire book in front of her class. She chose the book "Daddies Are For Catching Fireflies." She said she did well and that the kids liked the story.

Thursday Kylie had dance class and more homework.

This weekend we're going to visit Grandma Mary and Uncle Matt for lunch and to celebrate Kylie's birthday.

I have probably 5+ loads of laundry to do, vacuuming, raking leaves and grocery shopping to do. Yippee...(not!)

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Nadia loves that Daddies are for.. book. Of course she can't read it.