Sunday, September 12, 2010

Chuck E Cheese

Now that the school year has started, Sophie and I have Thursdays and Fridays to spend together. Friday I took her to Chuck E Cheese. We got there right at 9:30 when they opened and we were the only ones there the entire time. It was really nice having the whole place to ourselves. I even let her eat an ice cream sandwich at 10 in the morning. After that we went to Toys R Us to buy Kylie her birthday presents. She is all about the Zhu-Zhu Pets which are battery-operated hamsters that run around in various tunnels. We bought her a few Zhu-Zhu items and then it was on to Target, where Sophie got to pick out bedding for her new "big girl" bed. There were limited choices, but we picked out a nice set. Her full-size mattress/box springs came Friday night. The colors of the bedding really look good with her wall color. I'll take a photo and post it later.

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