Sunday, April 3, 2011

Tooth Out

Kylie's top front tooth had been loose for months. In fact, in December I was sure she was going to lose it before Christmas so I bought a pin of a smiling tooth wearing a Christmas hat and holding a candy cane. The tooth fairy was going to give it to her. But Christmas came and went and the tooth remained, loose but not loose enough to fall out on it's own.

We tried apples, carrots and every hard food you can imagine. Still nothing. Meanwhile the tooth started twisting to the side. It looked horrible. Her gums were swollen and bloody and soon she started begging for us to have the dentist remove it. Finally on Thursday I took her to the dentist, who agreed it was ready to come out. A little Orajel and a few minutes later the tooth was out. Kylie didn't make a peep.

The tooth fairy did leave her the tooth pin, which she loved and wore to school the next day. And $1 for the tooth.

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