Saturday, February 5, 2011


Is today Saturday? I'm not really sure. I actually have to stop and think about what day of the week it is. Let's see, two nights ago was American Idol, so yes it must be Saturday. That is what being stuck in a house in the middle of an ice storm with two sick kids for 6 days will do to you. You lose all concept of time. On Wednesday, I did manage to wear my "days of the week" socks with the correct day on them. I kept looking at my feet to remind me that it was indeed Wednesday.

The girls are doing better. Their fevers have broke. They are still coughing, especially poor Sophie. This morning she woke up at 8:30, whined for about 10 minutes and then went back to sleep until 11 a.m. We ate lunch, went to the library and when we came home she was whiny again. She fell asleep on the couch, whining, and slept another 2 hours.

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