Sunday, October 3, 2010


Our next project for the house is to finish our basement. When we bought the house a year and a half ago, it had a partially finished basement with half bathroom. We're going to expand the finished area, make the bathroom a full bathroom with a shower, add a kitchen/bar, a bedroom and an exercise room.

We picked out the cabinets, narrowed the granite choices down to two and had to pick ceramic tile for the floor and shower. I looked at Home Depot and saw some tiles that I liked that were around $2 per square foot. Then in the aisle I saw a pallet of tile that was marked down to .57 per square foot that looked very similar to the $2 tile. I brought Steve back to the store and he liked the tile too so we bought them now. We probably won't need them for another three or four weeks but we were worried they might sell out. We had to buy 50 boxes (12 per box = 600 tiles!). That's a lot of tile. We picked up half yesterday and the remaining today and stacked them in the garage.

Below: This is only half of the tile.

Below: Ignore the wood floor. The tile on the bottom of the photo is the tile we bought. The blue mosaic above the tile is the tile we're using in the shower.

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